Here we are, the easternmost point in Long Island, and, by extension, of New York. The lighthouse was closed by the time we reached - it closes at 4:30, for some reason, come hail or high water. Attreyee had joined us for the day - Soma's friend from college, and here at Stony Brook as well.
The photos here don't look much adventurous, but it soon got pretty hectic - for one, it started raining, making the large rocks really slippery. Add to that our determination to not go back the way we came, but follow the path around to see if it makes it back to the road. The path did continue, but we landed up in a strip of beach - and got our feet all sandy, on top of being drenched in the rain. The path turned around to switch over to a 5-minute version of the Blair Witch Project, snaking its way through some dense, dark wooded area. But then, voila, the road was before us, and the Mini took us back to safety and civilization. We did stop at the "Clam Bar" shack to pause on life, and see to proper death rituals of some excellent fish and chips, and some crab cakes. Personally, the fish and chips rules at this place.
On our way through the Hamptons, we stopped for coffee at the local Starbucks (what else!). Apart from a huge number of obscenely expensive cars - from Porches to Rolls Royce, Maseratis to Aston Martins - the Hamptons are rather boring. I'll choose the hustle and bustle of midtown Manhattan over the quiet desolation of the Hamptons - but then maybe my thinking process will change once I am super rich. I'm still about a million short of being a millionaire, you see.